Quandaries & Conversations for Clergy
Location: Avila Center for Community Leadership, 711 Mason Rd, Durham, NC 27712
“I know that compassion is all out of fashion and anger is all the rage.“
-David Wilcox
Ours is certainly an age in which “anger is all the rage.”
Consider these questions:
† While it seems that scripture on the whole counsels against having and harboring anger — it is also true that there are moments when God is overcome with wrath. How do we understand God’s anger?
† Can anger ever be the source of virtue?
† In the current US culture, many seem to feel that their anger is justified and, in fact, is indicative of their righteousness. Can that be true?
† What are we to do with anger … ours and theirs … personally and pastorally?
This will be the first of three gatherings in 2025 with the intent of providing helpful space and time for clergy conversation and camaraderie.
Registration is limited. A healthy lunch, drinks, and snacks will be provided. For scholarship requests, please contact elaina@peacehillavila.org.
Sponsored by Peace Hill, RCWMS, and Duke University Chapel.