Peace Hill at Avila encourages all to take the time to slow down, to notice the fabric of our lives and the connections to one another and to the earth. As we quiet the noise coming in from our busy lives in our busy worlds, we can be nourished by stillness, thoughtful connection, and heartfelt presence. Toward this end, Peace Hill offers both events for the general public and programs for non-profits and community organizer entities.
Peace Hill offers events that range from contemplative retreats and gatherings to presentations by special guest speakers.
Retreats span from partial days to overnight or multiple nights. Peace Hill has a broad appreciation for the many forms of contemplation whether that be meditation, mindfulness, reflection, prayer, walk in the woods, or to walk the labyrinth. We draw from ancient and contemporary sources across diverse faith and secular traditions. Retreats in the past have included the Practice of Mindfulness, the Sufi poets Rumi and Hafiz, the Life and Teachings of Howard Thurman; and Celtic Christianity.
Special guest speaker events include sponsored authors, thinkers, teachers who bring their wisdom and experience in both presentation and experience. Recent events include best-selling writer and poet Cole Arthur Riley, whose January, 2024 released book Black Liturgies integrates spiritual practice to Black emotion, literature, and the Black Body.
Please note, Breathing Space is currently on hiatus.
Breathing Space is a recurring event during which participants come together to hold a space for each other where we can stop, breathe, enter the stillness, and experience the moment-to-moment awareness that can lead to healing and wholeness. We are currently collecting feedback to select a day, time, and format that works for most people.
If you attend Breathing Space or are interested in attending a future gathering, please take a moment to fill out this form.